Examination of Demographics and Chronic Health Condition Management in an Underserved Population at a Pro Bono Physical Therapy Clinic

  • James Creps, PT, DScPT University of Michigan – Flint
  • Mia Kaartinen, PT, DPT University of Michigan – Flint
  • Kayla Diebold, PT, DPT University of Michigan – Flint
Keywords: physical therapy, student-run clinic


Background: The purpose of this study was to identify and describe the demographic information of the patient population at a student-run physical therapy pro bono clinic. We hypothesized this patient population would present with more chronic health conditions that are either unmanaged or under-managed compared with Genesee County, Michigan.
Methods: New patients were asked to complete a 47-question survey on demographic information, past medical history, and social history. Vital signs were also recorded. Frequency tables were run to determine the health needs in this patient population. Self-report of hypertension, diabetes, and depression was compared to self-reported medications to determine medical management of the conditions.
Results: Some patients report taking medications for these conditions, but many individuals are not medically managing these conditions.
Conclusions: With this information, clinicians can better create programs that meet the specific needs of this patient population including fitness programs, chronic disease management education, and pain management programs.

How to Cite
Creps, J., Kaartinen, M., & Diebold, K. (2017). Examination of Demographics and Chronic Health Condition Management in an Underserved Population at a Pro Bono Physical Therapy Clinic. Journal of Student-Run Clinics, 3(1). https://doi.org/10.59586/jsrc.v3i1.57
Original Study